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Catalog Number : agn1440
Title : Critical Storage Devices
Speaker : Kimberly Barker

Duration : 120 minutes

Webplay Recording Date : 4-9-2008
Webplay Price : $ 225 for two weeks viewing

Webinar Presenter: Kimberly Barker

Webinar Title: Critical Storage Monitoring within a Hospital: Current Regulations and Requirements

Webinar Level:

Webinar Purpose:

What are the storage and monitoring recommendations of the FDA, USP, and Joint Commission for product stability? What happens when refrigeration temperature logs are incomplete? Does your facility have a written protocol to address refrigerator or freezer equipment failure or for when a door is left partially open by busy employees? This program will identify the ‘best practices’ that should be part of any temperature monitoring program, so as to ensure the stability of pharmaceutical and specialized products. Program best practices will be used to identify requirements for manual and automated temperature monitoring programs to comply with regulations and maintain product quality.

Webinar Objectives:

At the completion of this program, the participant will be able to:

1. Identify current guidelines that apply to different areas within a health care facility
2. Understand key players within organization responsible for documenting the operation of critical storage equipment being monitored
3. Understand Good Storage practices
4. Understand what features/functions are required to Automate Critical Storage Monitoring

Webinar Topics:

  • Review current industry regulations as applied to the following areas: Food Services, Blood Banks, Laboratories, Pharmacy and Morgue
  • Identify requirements for monitoring storage units
  • Identify features/functions required to Automate Critical Storage Monitoring

Target Audience:  Personnel involved in the following areas: Pharmacy, Transplant Services, Blood Bank, Food Services, Quality & Safety, Nursesand Compliance.

Contact Hours:  This course has been approved for 1.2 Iowa Nursing Contact Hours. There is usually a reciprocal agreement between state associations to allow these to count for each state. If you have any questions, please ask your state association.